Functionality Demonstrations

Remote Access for OT users in Industrial Infrastructure


Connecting to OT network

For simplicity, the diagrams in the demo show only one connecting SCADA network and load balancing and multiplexing is abstracted away. Additionally, also abstracted away is whether the OT network is freestanding or sits inside of an IT network.

The Enclave shown in the demonstration is the Moving Target Defense SD-WAN, that makes this remote access solution unique!


Virtual Desktops are used both to finely control the types of activities a User can perform on an asset that is being remotely accessed, and to prevent malware on a User’s device from burning through to the asset being accessed. Virtual Desktops are treated as sacrificial components, being destroyed and replaced with fresh instances after each use.


The solution Console is a web page the User goes to, in order to authenticate and request a Virtual Desktop.


Customers who want to live stream or record User activities taking place on Virtual Desktops within their environment can do so with a Screen Capture Management System auditing tool.


Customers wanting to log the network traffic running through an Enclave can do so by adding a Log Server to that Enclave.