Remote Access Features

Moving Target Defense

Dynamic endpoint connection build on demand via multiple virtual hubs in multi cloud vendor SD-WAN environment. We branded this as the Enclave, the goal being to prevent an attacker from obtaining, and maintaining, target lock on entry and/or exit point of the remote connection. Deployed when needed for remote access sessions, dynamically maintained during the lifetime of the remote access session and destroyed upon session termination. The endpoints remain invisible for each other providing absolute isolation of your most valued assets from the internet and keeps prying eyes far away from anything they might want to target. It is the opposite of the traditional ‘static castle’ defense implementations.


True Network Segmentation

Access to IT/OT networks is facilitated completely out-of-bound via our on-site entry point appliance not requiring any other IT/OT system or entry facility, thus protecting both IT and OT networks while providing true OT/IT segmentation


Authentication Methods

Use the Temporary One Time Passwords, Okta, our MFA + user directory solution or Active Direcory and Hardware Token integrations you already love


Full Redundancy

Geographic, vendor-agnostic, hot-swappable redundancy ensures your systems are always available


No External Internet

Grant remote connectivity through whitelisted subnets you can edit in real time. Patch management servers can be staged in the enclave to allow Operators to test their patches before pushing them down to connected equipment.


Same-Day Implementation

Make your team's life better in a matter of hours. Implementation and training takes less than a day


End-to-End Encryption

Two layers of AES-256 encryption with independent 4096-bit RSA keys protect every connection


No Endpoint Installations

Patching and updating every endpoint every year? We do not believe in that


Automatic Patching

We update our infrastructure every single day, so you are always on the latest machines


Audit & Security Support

Optional Livestreaming, Screen recording & Network Logging. Audit services can be tied back to a SIEM in the enterprise or third party SOC. Public or Private cloud assets can be connected to the enclave. Most frequently observed when tying in third-party vendor's monitoring and prognostics systems with a restrictive license into an ICS environment.



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