Secure remote access on steroïds



On demand Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) model based services
with access based on Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) principles.

Why “on steroïds”?


Because it hides your valued assets from the internet by obscuring and protecting access to them.




Facilitating an on demand Moving Target Defense network, that is 100% destroyed when the connection is terminated*.



What does this mean?


Obscuring the secured digital connection path, including the entry and exit points, will result is unwanted surveillance and reconnaissance of your secure network and remote access connections to be virtually impossible!


To protect the old castles surrounded by a moat, entry through the gate could be facilitated with a bridge that could be raised for unsolicited visitors. Now the bridge is gone, in fact, you cannot even see the castle anymore, but you can call the ferryman if you have his number and can identify yourself. The ferryman will get you to the gate of the castle. Once inside, you may have restricted access to some of the rooms and objects in the castle, where you will get restricted access based on pre-determined and enforced rules. Perhaps you may look, but you cannot touch anything. This implies you can be inside without the possibility to communicate with the outside world while you are in. The pre-obtained entry permit will determine if you can take stuff with you going into or leaving the castle.


To do what?


Manage Operational Technology networks in Industrial environments

- Provide Operators remote access

- Provide Service Providers remote access

- Provide Machine to Machine communication

- Provide secure file server access

- Provide secure video conferencing service

- Provide secure voip communication service

- Provide secure messaging service

* Dispel LLC, the owner of the solution we use, holds the patents to automatically build and maintain the Moving Target Defenses at the network level.